Priscilla P. Squirrelton

Priscilla P. Squirrelton

There are countless other creatures with whom we share this world. Often we take but a passing notice of them. Our lives might be hectic; we may have little time to take in what is happening around us and to see all the activities and occurrences in the busy lives of those who live in …

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The Weight of Wonder

The Path of Life

There exists a principle in the discipline of landscape architecture whereby when designing a pathway to follow, there should be bends and turns along the route to keep hidden what lies beyond. To elicit interest there must be mystery. This principle reflects the balance between order and chaos, predictability and mystery, in the appearance of …

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The Morning Conversation: On Civility

Swinston the noble pig

Author: Swinston Greetings Dear Friends, I am honored to have this opportunity to share a few words on the subject of civility, a subject I believe from time to time requires some consideration. Indeed, among my friends and neighbors on The Farm any mention of the matter (often during the course of more vigorous conversations) …

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On Writing

When in company and it is discovered one has written a book, the broad subject of writing often becomes the next topic of conversation. Consequently, I have been asked many questions about writing. I have always tried my best to answer these questions, even though after having spent many years writing, editing, and rewriting papers, …

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The Magic of Daily Life

The Farm

What a wondrous world we live in! How fortunate for us we shall never be short on questions to ask, adventures to be had, friends to be made, love to share, and curiosities to be pursued. We have curious natures, and thankfully they will never be without opportunity. The more we discover, the more fantastic …

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The Wisdom of Ducklings

The Wisdom of Ducklings

Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in having me present The Wisdom of Ducklings, a story about finding your passions and pursuing your dreams.

Character Prints Available

Swinston and Company Print
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Professionally matted prints of illustrations from the Lillybeth and Hinsberth novels are now available for purchase on Etsy!

New Character Illustration

Mr. Wollmund

Announcing the first illustration of a new character from the forthcoming third Lillybeth and Hinsberth novel, Lillybeth and Hinsberth: The Shores of Forever. Who is this mysterious character?