The Wisdom of Ducklings

The Wisdom of Ducklings

I spent many years dabbling in various professions including engineering and science until my avid book-loving daughter compelled me to rediscover my long-held passions for writing and illustrating. As a result of this experience I developed a (hopefully) inspiring presentation titled The Wisdom of Ducklings about the unexpected twists and turns we all experience on the journey through life, and how to stay true to our gifts and passions. The story includes the lessons I have learned with Lillybeth and Hinsberth’s help, including the importance of seeking out and discovering those unique gifts we all possess, and always remembering to pursue our gifts no matter what challenges life may bring. Some things may come easily to us and we may learn to take certain abilities for granted, yet it is important for each of us to use our gifts and the energy and creativity they provide in the service of others. Though I am usually never short on words my presentation is adorned with penciled and painted illustrations for the more visually inclined.

It is my wish to share these lessons especially with those who, as I experienced at a young age, may be drawn away from the discovery and expression of their true gifts. With this dream in mind I enjoy presenting at schools, but certainly we adults who are still searching may welcome the message about following your dreams, and just might find an inspiration or two in the wisdom of ducklings.

Please contact me if you are at all interested in having me speak at your next engagement.